0.00 lv.
1 min.
Owning brown suntan means not only a better look and feel better, but is part of the so-called. modern look. Chocolate skin is preferred by many women and men - on the one hand so the body looks tight and attractive, and the other - significantly less. In the spa "Rusalka" we have extended the opportunity to be fashionable and to acquire a bronze tan at any time of year in vertical turbo solarium. This solarium is more hygienic compared to the horizontal, as it man not to touch the surface of the booth. Besides offering more comfort - during the entire session and body enjoys a pleasant breeze, and the resulting tan is very smooth.
The solarium is not only a means of acquiring chocolate tan, but there is a healing effect as the solarium is a device emitting ultraviolet light at a specific ratio. Thanks to fluorescent lamps and their phosphor blends emitted radiation is very similar in characteristics to that of the sun. With heliotherapy can fight tiredness, increase vitality or simply lift the mood.
Treatment with sunlight helps especially at:
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Insufficient brain blood circulation;
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- Bronchitis, fever and other problems associated with the organs of respiration;
- Psoriasis and acne.
- Sunshine is the best tool for the treatment of seasonal depression.
MAPS tanning
- Map solarium 50 min. - 30,00 lv
- Map solarium 100 min. - 50,00 lv